Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 5 in a sugar addict's diet

I realized I was not quite "with it" when I realized I had two "Day 3's" in my postings...Yes, the brain has turned to grey mush.  I dragged my way through the day, valiantly fighting the urge to just grab a candy bar and end my torture.  My head hurts, my body hurts, my emotions are all over the place, and I am devoid of all energy.

I managed to fight the urge and push through the haze to make it through a hectic day at work.  I also managed to snap at some of the staff; hopefully, they will forgive me.  This is worse than PMS!  Breakfast was fine--a cappuccino kale shake with some cottage cheese.  Interesting color; yummy taste.  Lunch was a lean protein (salmon) and salad.  Snack was some whole grain, gluten-free crackers and a healthy protein.  Still good.


For supper we went to a barbeque to celebrate the end of the school year.  I managed to stay away from the chips and desserts; however, I did have a little of the loaded baked potato salad (white potatoes--not allowed as they are a starch) and two handfuls of cheddar cheese popcorn (again, a starch).  That is the problem with sitting around a table and visiting.

Of course, we went to see Dr V after the barbeque, and I had to tell him what I ate.  Ugh.  He adjusted my C1 (emotional center), and I was feeling much better by the time I got home.  I am thinking the combination of the little bit of starch after 4 days of none and the adjustment helped my mood tremendously.  With any luck, I will be able to finish all my homework for classes and feel much better by the end of the weekend.

The system should be clear of simple sugars within a week, right? 

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