Thursday, January 26, 2023

How to build your inner support circle

You’ve set goals. You’re super psyched. And then you tell your family and friends about it and …

whomp whomp. 

Much to your surprise, they aren’t super psyched. In fact, they might even roll their eyes and say something like “here we go again” or “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 

And some may even get upset about your goals … because it could mean fewer nights out or changing up your family routine! 

It’s pretty normal for this to happen. 

In fact, it’s one of the top concerns I hear from new clients.

Your inner circle might just need some time to adjust and recognize that you ARE committed to making some positive changes – and maybe they’ll even get inspired, themselves!

But in the meantime, you’ve heard the old saying, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

If you are the most health-conscious person in your “5” … it’s time to add to your network to help challenge you to reach new goals!

How do you do that? Four quick ways:

  • Join a local gym or studio

  • Take classes online 

  • Go where health/fitness-conscious people are 

  • Work with a coach

A woman I know is a superstar at this. Her husband is in the military and they move across the country every few years … so she basically has to rebuild her local network from scratch on a regular basis.

Every time she moves somewhere new, she makes it a point to get out and meet other people who share her interests or who are experts in something she wants to try or get better at.

She takes classes, works with coaches, joins local clubs, signs up for group hikes, and (this might be the most important part) generally keeps her eye open for opportunities that look like they might be fun.

Want to expand your network with accountability and support from an experienced coach who’s already helped hundreds people like you achieve amazing results? Check out my personalized coaching program

Book a call to learn how it works – and find out if it’s a good fit for you.

When you surround yourself with support, amazing things can happen!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

What to do when you slip up

I’ve got a quick post today with a very simple message:

Keep going.

If you’re struggling right now with your goals, it’s NORMAL. 

Keep going.

If you’ve missed a workout or two, make sure you get a workout in today. Go for a walk, stretch for 15 minutes, etc.

If you’ve slipped up with your “clean eating” goals, make sure the VERY NEXT thing you eat is a healthy choice. Remember: you’re always just one meal or snack from a healthy diet.

If you’re feeling *this close* to giving up any of your other healthy habits – just keep going.

It’s not about striving for perfection. NO ONE is perfect – we ALL struggle. It’s part of being human.

But what separates those who do reach their goals from those who don’t is what they do AFTER that missed workout or dietary slip:

They get right back on track!

“Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born average. We make ourselves into one or the other.” – Carlos Castenada

You’ve got this. 

P.S. If you need a little extra accountability on your way to balancing your hormones, I’ve already helped more than 100 women in my personalized coaching program. Want to see how my approach can help you do that, too?
Book a slot on my calendar here <<

Thursday, January 5, 2023

No. 1 Goal-Killing Trap

You know I like to focus on the positive, right?

Well, in this email I’m going to tell you how NOT to reach your goals this year.

Because there’s one big mistake you can make that can push you into a HUGE trap – and you’ll end up feeling frustrated, burned out, and like a quitter.

Here’s how it happens:

You set some HUGE goals for the New Year (yay!!!!). 

Starting NOW, you will finally get your you-know-what together.

You’ll drink ALL the water … eat super-clean food (and journal every bite) … be extra active … go to bed early … and get up even EARLIER.

But then a few days later you’re exhausted. You decide to sleep in … and you miss a workout … and then eat some cookies or chips and decide not to journal your food anymore, because what’s the point?

That one day “off track” turns into two. Which turns into three. And … you know how it goes. 

And that’s when it happens – you give up (noooo!).

It’s not because you lack the willpower or the drive. It’s because you overcommitted, or tried to do too much!

This is why coaches and trainers talk about SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive). 

They take all your big awesome goals and boil them down into bite-sized chunks that you can actually accomplish without feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and like quitting!

And yes, sometimes, it’s hard to do that for yourself. 

That’s why I offer personalized coaching which gives you the step-by-step guidance you need to naturally reach your goals without getting burned out.

It’s already helped over 100 women lose inches and gain energy, and it’s available to you, too. 

Save a spot on my calendar to see if it’s a good fit by clicking HERE or leave a comment below.

P.S. My next round for personalized coaching only has 5 spots available, so if you’re serious, please reach out ASAP to save your spot. There’s no obligation to join if you book a call!