Thursday, October 27, 2022

Confession: I almost hit the drive through

I’ve got a big confession for you today … and yes, this happens to coaches, too.

The other day I was just not into being “healthy.” I wasn’t in the mood for the lunch I made … the dinner I planned … or getting outside for some fresh air.

I don’t know why, exactly, but I was dreading it, and I kept finding things to do INSTEAD of what I had originally planned.

It wasn’t because I needed a day off. It was just one of those days.

So here’s what I did …

I laced up my sneakers and went outside for a walk. 

I told myself: “Just walk for 10 minutes, and if I want to turn around after that, I’ll just turn around and come back.”

And, you guessed it: After 10 minutes, I felt so much better I decided to keep going.

Not only that, but I ended up making the dinner I planned because I shifted into a better mindset.

Was it my best “healthy” day ever? No. 

But it didn’t have to be. 

The important thing is I showed up for myself.

The fact is when it comes to building healthy habits, what really makes or breaks your success are the times you follow through when you don’t want to.

It solidifies your commitment to yourself, your health, and your goals. 

So the next time you’re thinking of ditching your healthy habits … tell yourself: JUST 10 MINUTES.

You’ve got this!

PS: If you’re ready to show up for yourself and are tired of obsessing over every calorie on your plate and want to start enjoying your meals again, take a minute to see what’s included in my personalized coaching before spots fill up. Sign up for a free 15-minute consultation here: Initial Consultation

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

How long it really takes to get results

I’ve got a good one for you today – this is something I get asked about all the time:

How long does it take to get results from your new health routine?

This email will lay it all out for you but I also want you to keep one important thing in mind:

PLEASE do NOT get into the “crash” mindset, where you try to speed your way toward your goals.

That can end badly, with you feeling frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed … and then giving up. 

It’s so much more rewarding (and healthier) to enjoy the process!

Plus, everything that you learn and experience along the way will help you KEEP all of your amazing results.

All of what I am about to say depends on a few factors, including:

  1. Your health & fitness history

  2. Your current health & fitness level

  3. Any workouts you do

  4. The food you eat

  5. How stressed you are and how much sleep you’re getting

  6. The distance between you and your goal

With all of that said: it’s fun to see and feel the results of all your efforts! Plus, it can be incredibly empowering.


You might notice you feel less stressed, your mood is up, and you sleep better. You’ll feel proud of yourself for taking action! 


This is when you start to gain some momentum. If changing the number on the scale is a goal, you’ll start to notice that happen (if not sooner).

Plus, you’ll start to gain real confidence in yourself, and will be proud of yourself for sticking with your new routine! You’ll really feel great and have a renewed sense of energy. 



You’ll notice your momentum building, with continued improvements across the board.

And if you miss a day or two, you’ll notice how it affects your mood and/or energy.


This is when people will start noticing and ask what you’re doing that’s new!  

Your energy will be up and you’ll be on your way to establishing healthy habits to last a lifetime.

You’ll notice your mood is more stable, your brain fog will be nearly gone, and you’ll have a lot fewer aches and pains throughout the day!

Now imagine how it would feel to wake up 12 weeks from now … after sticking with your new program and experiencing these results for yourself. 

Pretty incredible, right? 

Well it really all IS achievable – especially with the right plan and the accountability to help keep you on track. 

Whether or not we ever work together, I KNOW you can do it if you set your mind to it. 

And if you want to add some support to your routine, join our FREE private FaceBook group, Thriving in Menopause Naturally!

Join by clicking through here:

Thursday, October 13, 2022

What to do when you’re “too busy” for healthy habits

The other day I met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals.

She has a demanding job … her family life is hectic … AND she is taking on some new responsibilities with her aging parents.

“There is absolutely no time for ME,” she told me. 

And you know what? She’s right. She has a TON on her plate.

So I suggested she make a mindset shift … and CUT HERSELF SOME SLACK.

Which can be incredibly hard to do.

It’s not about being “on” or “off” her health routine. Instead, it’s about doing the best she can RIGHT NOW.

Over the long run, it’s your everyday habits that have the biggest impact on your health.

Habits like:

  • Making healthy food choices 

  • Choosing activity when possible (walks, brief exercise sessions)

  • When you can, schedule 2-3 workouts a week (in pen) in your calendar

  • Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night

All of these actions will add MORE to your life.

More energy … less stress … more vitality to take on each and every day, feeling strong and empowered.

It’s also a great time to hire a coach. 

When you’re facing challenges, you NEED support, accountability, and a troubleshooter who can step back and see the big picture …

… and help you come up with solutions that work with your schedule & goals.

Our personalized coaching can help keep you on track when life gets crazy! It’s not about working harder or longer … it’s about working smarter.

It’s the complete package: support & accountability … quick workouts designed for results … and an easy-to-follow nutrition plan (not to mention 1:1 coaching calls).

It works WITH your life, not against it!

You can get the details by setting up a free initial consultation here:

Did you know we have a PRIVATE Facebook group? I would love for you to join us for weekly challenges, healthy recipes, support, etc.! You can find us here: Thriving in Menopause Naturally

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Exercise and anxiety

Did you know that reports of anxiety are up 25% over the past couple of years?

I personally think this number is low since anxiety shows up in different ways for different people … and it’s not always easy to recognize it as anxiety.

A few ways it can show up: feeling restless or agitated, having headaches and/or unexplained pains, trouble focusing, feeling tired, disrupted sleep, worrying, or rolling the same-old, same-old thoughts over and over in your head.

One of the best natural ways to get almost immediate relief from anxiety is to EXERCISE – especially workouts that get your heart rate up!

It works in a few different ways to help you feel better, and studies show it rivals some prescription meds. (Pretty awesome!)

Here are a few ways exercise helps battle anxiety:

  • It can get your mind off of whatever is making you feel anxious

  • The very act of moving stops your muscles from being so tense

  • Getting your heart rate up boosts anti-anxiety brain chemicals

  • Plus, it activates the part of your brain that helps control the amygdala (Your amygdala can trigger feelings of fear & anxiety) 

  • PLUS … exercising regularly can help you become less vulnerable to strong emotions

The more regular you are about getting exercise, the better your anxiety-killing results.

For the best results, find activities that get your heart rate up AND that you like doing – and keep doing them. 

It could be an after-dinner walk … a dance class … or going for a bike ride!

And … if you are experiencing serious anxiety, be sure to tell your doctor. 

Just another reason to move your body or get in that workout! 

PS: We’re here to help you take the next step in your health journey! Our personalized coaching has helped hundreds of people over 40 find balance and health at every age!

Join our private Facebook here: