Thursday, February 24, 2022

The no. 1 reason people can’t sleep


I’ve got a little bonus challenge for you today that can play a surprising role in your results … and (even better) help you feel better.

Here it is: Take a few minutes today to think about your STRESS MANAGEMENT plan. 

Everyone should have one. It’s one of the big health & wellness “basics” I’ve been talking about this month.

FACT: Stress is a normal part of life and sometimes it’s even good for you. 

But when it gets out of control it can affect not only your results … but also your sleep, your mood, and your health.

This is why it is so important to have a plan to help burn off your everyday stresses. 

Don’t believe me?

Check this out: Stress is the No. 1 reason people say they can’t sleep.

Your sleep matters, because while you’re getting your Zzzs, your body is actually hard at work, recovering, rebalancing, and refreshing. 

PLUS it’s also reactivating your immune system and flushing out metabolic waste from your brain!  

But stress does more than ruin your sleep. It can affect your appetite, lead to cravings, and also disrupt your immune, digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. It can also give you headaches and lead to chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety.

This is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to have a (healthy) way to burn off stress every day.

There are so many great ways to do it:

  • Meditation

  • Regular exercise

  • Getting out in nature for some fresh air & sunshine

  • Journaling

  • Relaxing hobbies 

  • Having strong social connections

Today, I encourage you to take a few minutes to think about 1) how stress is affecting you and 2) the ways you currently manage stress in your life.  

At Alignment Studio, we believe it’s all connected. True fitness and wellness is a reflection of your overall health and happiness!

PS: We have a proven plan, support, motivation, and years of experience helping people just like you to manage their menopausal symptoms and reach their wellness goals without feeling deprived or starved. To learn more, sign up for an initial consultation by clicking HERE.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

This food makes me angry

 It’s not your imagination.

There ARE actually foods out there that are specifically designed to make you crave them.

I’m talking about from start to finish -- their ingredients, taste, packaging, and marketing – basically, these foods are created to make you want MORE, MORE, MORE.

But the thing is, these foods are also some of the absolute WORST things you can eat, because they’re linked with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and a long list of other chronic conditions.

(If you can’t tell, this gets me a little fired up.)

This month I am talking about SIMPLE steps you can take to get – and stay – on track with your healthy habits.

One of the BEST steps you can take is to avoid these foods if at all possible.

I’m talking about ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS – factory-made cookies, chips, breads, boxed meals, frozen meals, etc.

These foods activate your brain’s reward centers, making you crave them, and even causing you to overeat.

The difference between PROCESSED and ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS is that when you do anything to a food – like cooking it – it’s technically a form of processing. So that means sautéed greens and roasted chicken are “processed” foods.

BUT ultra-processed foods are made from low-quality, highly inflammatory ingredients (unhealthy fats, added sugar, and highly refined grains). 

As a result, they’re low in fiber, protein, and valuable plant chemicals and other micronutrients your body needs to function at its best!

If you eat these foods, you will be doing your health a major favor if you take a big step away from them.

Instead, make SMART SWAPS to whole, nutrient-rich foods whenever possible:

  • Nuts

  • Fruit

  • Veggies

  • Whole (unrefined) grains

  • Lean proteins

  • And healthier homemade versions of those ultra-processed foods as “treats”

It can be an adjustment for your taste buds to get used to non-ultra processed foods … but you will be absolutely AMAZED at the difference in how you feel. 

Just some of the changes you might notice: more energy, fewer cravings, fewer aches & pains, better sleep, improved workout performance and concentration, and so much more!

→ Try it for just ONE week and see for yourself. 

And if you want something step-by-step, with a customized blueprint to help you with your wellness goals and just feel good again, our nutritional consultations will help you navigate the myth-information and find a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. I would love for you to check it out here!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

No. 1 tip to avoid overwhelm


I’m going to share something really important that just might change how you look at your health & fitness.

It’s a mindset trick that will make it EASIER for you to:

  1. stick with the basics, 

  2. avoid feeling overwhelmed, and 

  3. take off some of the pressure you might feel about all things you think you “should” be doing.

Think back to the last time you had to teach someone something.

Maybe it was a new person at work … maybe it was teaching a kid to tie (or Velcro) their shoes … or maybe it was in an actual classroom.

How did you do it?

I’m guessing you didn’t overwhelm your student with EVERYTHING at once – or expect them to do it exactly right on their first (or second or third) try.

You probably started with the basics … at the very beginning … and then when they understood them, you added more info or actions.

Your healthy lifestyle habits are no different.

EXCEPT that we expect ourselves to be able to jump right into the deep end and do ALL the things from Day One.

(And do them perfectly.)

Not exactly a recipe for success – more like a plan for burnout and frustration.

A better approach: let yourself be like your student, and focus on 1-2 new habits and skills – actions that actually help you feel SUCCESSFUL.

And then add more when it’s time.

This could be:

  • Starting with a few workouts a week that leave you feeling energized and stronger (vs. sore and exhausted)

  • Making changes in your meals and snacks to include foods that you love AND support your goals (vs. leave you feeling deprived with constant cravings)

  • Finding ways to fit self-care into your busy schedule (vs. always feeling like you’re behind and struggling to catch up)

Sounds pretty good, right?

At Alignment Studio, we help our clients create results that last a lifetime by focusing on the actions that actually WORK – for them, their goals, and their lifestyle!

We’ve helped dozens of clients regain their energy, reduce the intensity of their hot flashes, manage menopausal weight gain, and sleep better.

And we’d love to be part of your wellness team to help YOU reach your goals. 

If you’re still reading right now, it’s for a reason. You’re probably ready to make some kind of a change in your life … and that’s AMAZING. 

If this is you, let’s talk. You can head over to our website or click here for a free initial consultation.

Or, head on over to our private Facebook group for tips and challenges that will help you reach your wellness goals.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

How to dial in your nutrition, fast

Controversial info onboard! 

This month I am focusing on keeping things SIMPLE to help you stay on track with your goals in 2022.

Today I want to talk about your MEALS … because a lot of times we’re led to believe that the more complicated and “fancy” our nutrition is, the better.

Here’s one GREAT way to keep it simple:

Eat real food. In other words, you will want to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the highly processed items. Come up with a “food formula” that works for you, that includes meals that

  1. you love,

  2. are simple and easy to throw together, and

  3. align with your health & wellness goals

And simply rotate meals that follow that formula throughout the week!

You do NOT have to reinvent gourmet meals every time you sit down to eat … or constantly come up with new ideas every day.

Having a go-to formula works in several different ways:

  • It simplifies your shopping and food prep.

  • It removes “decision fatigue,” which can happen when you’re forced to make choices all day long. The more decisions you make, the harder it becomes to make good ones!

  • It helps stop that overwhelmed feeling you can get when you’re wondering whether your choices are “right” or “wrong” or “good” or “bad.”

  • It saves you time and energy and can actually help you stay on track.

This works whether you’re prepping meals for yourself or a houseful of picky eaters. 

Personally, it’s SUCH a relief NOT to have the “what’s for dinner” question hanging over my head every day.

Do you have a list of go-to recipes that you eat on a regular basis? 

What are some of your favorites? Let me know in the comments below.

If you would like some more ideas for healthy meals, be sure to check out our Jump Start Program for tips on creating sustainable habits that will get you to your health and wellness goals. You can find information on the Jump Start Program here.

Hope this helps make your meal planning a little easier!