Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Benefits of Shopping the Bulk Aisle

The bulk aisle in the grocery store might seem a bit overwhelming or confusing at first, or perhaps you might misinterpret what it actually offers. Shopping in the bulk aisle is a great way to save money and the environment, and the quality, is sometimes better than the packaged alternatives! 

Here are a few of my favorite reasons to take a stroll down the bulk aisle: 

It’s More Environmentally Friendly 
If you have a goal to reduce single-use plastics and be more environmentally friendly this year, the bulk aisle is a great place to start. Shopping in the bulk aisle uses much less waste compared to buying the pre-packaged alternatives. All you need to store your bulk items is a bag or container. Most bulk aisles offer plastic bags, but the best practice is to bring your own instead. Bring some mason jars or other reusable containers to the store and put your bulk foods there. This way, you aren’t using single-use plastic packaging. Additionally, you only take however much of the ingredient you need, so you’ll be reducing your food waste as well. 

You’ll Save Money 
In the bulk aisle, you’re only paying for the weight that you decide to buy. This means that you can take only what you need; therefore, you’ll be paying much less than purchasing a standard package size. Additionally, advertising and packaging items cost businesses quite a lot of money, so bulk items tend to cost much less per unit compared to the same things in a package. Many foods in the bulk aisle are no-brand alternatives and while you may have a preference for a specific cereal or trail mix brand, other items such as beans, nuts, and seeds don’t differ much. You’ll be paying much less for the no-brand version than the same food with a fancy brand attached to it. If you’re using your own container, make sure to weigh it before putting in any items, or you may get charged for the extra weight. However, you will want to check with the store first.

You Can Test Out New Foods 
Taking as little as you need means that you can experiment with foods that you’ve never tried before. You can buy a sample of some new ingredients without having to commit to an entire package of an item that you may not end up liking. For example, you can get a small scoop of some flavored nuts or try out a different type of flour. You can also get yourself a few treats without having to go overboard. 

The Ingredients are Clean 
Bulk items sell out fast, so the supermarkets are continually replenishing their stock. You can be assured that the food you’re buying in the bulk aisle is fresh. Not only this, but you can see the ingredient list and nutritional value clearly on the bins so you know exactly what you’re eating. Items like spices and coffee are much fresher than their packaged equivalents, which contain many additives and preservatives to increase their shelf life. In some cases, you can clearly taste the difference in quality. 

Which items do you get from the bulk aisle? I prefer buying my nuts, oats, and seeds from the bulk aisle. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Foods That Help with Everyday Overwhelm

We often put a lot of thought into doing things regularly to boost our immune systems. We know the necessary items that need to be present in our diet and lives to achieve this, and we boost them even more during cold and flu season. There's another issue we all deal with that can be combated with proactive habits -- anxiety and overwhelm. I first want to be clear that I am not speaking of clinical anxiety. If you are struggling beyond basic daily life overwhelm, please consult your doctor.  

For the overwhelm that comes with daily life, I like to look to ancient traditions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, our kidneys are the body's central source of yin and yang. When our kidneys aren't functioning optimally, other health problems, including anxiety, arise. The world we live in today takes a significant toll on our kidneys, whether we know it or not. These issues can be small enough to go undiagnosed by physicians but can have a substantial impact on the rest of our bodies.  

Factors such as stress, poor sleep quality, environmental toxins, and alcohol can be extremely taxing on the kidneys. The adrenal glands and the kidneys can be viewed as the same organ. The adrenals are two glands that are located on top of your kidneys. They are responsible for the production and regulation of essential hormones, including those involved in the stress response. When the adrenal glands become overworked, through too much stress, lack of sleep, or those other factors, they are unable to function normally, resulting in adrenal fatigue. This leads to numerous symptoms, including insomnia, sadness, digestive problems, weak immune functioning, and especially anxiety.  

Thus, by treating the kidneys through specific foods and restoring the functioning of the adrenal glands, you can help ease some symptoms of overwhelm. To feed your kidneys optimally, you should eat tangerines, plums, grapes, grains such as amaranth, rye, oats, and barley, celery, asparagus, cabbage, and black beans. However, it is beneficial to know whether your kidneys are deficient in the yin or yang and treat them accordingly. The yin is responsible for cooling and hydrating the body. If they are yin deficient, you might experience symptoms such as insomnia, night sweats, dry skin, eyes, and mouth, and brittle hair. Chlorella is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the kidneys' yin.  

Spirulina, another type of algae, also works great. It would be best if you also were eating carrots, grapefruit, celery, cucumber, blueberries, soybeans, kidney beans, and watermelon. These are considered 'cold' foods that will help increase your yin.  

Yang, on the other hand, is responsible for stimulating and warming up your body. If your kidneys are deficient in yang, you might experience diarrhea, lower back pain, fatigue, and feeling cold. Generally, symptoms are worse in the morning. If this is your case, eat "warming" foods such as cinnamon, ginger, cloves, walnuts, quinoa, and black beans. Avoid any iced drinks and raw foods and try to limit your fruit intake as these are all considered 'cooling' foods that will only worsen your yin-yang imbalance. 

Aside from foods to help stimulate healthy kidney function, meditation apps can help tremendously with combating daily overwhelm.  Apps such as Headspace or Calm can help you fit meditation into your schedule in just a few minutes per day, and this time to clear your mind can transform your entire day. 

What are your favorite mind-clearing practices that help you stay calm? 
Hit reply and let me know, I'd love to hear how you handle this.