Thursday, August 25, 2022

Purple pandas and green giraffes

Challenge: for the next 15 seconds, do NOT think about purple pandas.

Don’t imagine them romping through their bright purple panda fields. Don’t picture them climbing up their big purple trees or drinking from their beautiful, flowing purple waterfall. 

I mean it, stop thinking about purple pandas! Did you stop thinking about them yet? 

Ok good, because now I want you to think about bright green giraffes. 

Imagine their long green necks stretching up to eat the leaves on the big green trees. 

Their baby green giraffes are playing nearby in the field, running around on the thick green grass. 

Now… how are your purple pandas doing?

Gone, right? (At least until I asked!)

Well, the same thing happens in your brain with negative and positive thoughts.

Trying NOT to think negative thoughts (like not thinking about the purple pandas) is only going to put your brain on a mission to think them… and to keep thinking about them! 

→ In fact, the more you try NOT to think about certain things, the more you end up thinking about them. 

There is even a name for it: “The Pink Elephant Paradox.”

A few examples of thoughts that don’t serve you: I’m not good enough, I’m just going to quit anyway, I should be faster, I should be stronger, I should be better by now, etc. 

No matter which negative thoughts may run through your head … the more you think about them, the more likely you are to believe them. 

But when you REPLACE those negative thoughts with positive ones (aka the green giraffes!)... 

You shift your attention and choose thoughts that serve you and support your goals.

Examples of thoughts that DO serve you: I always give it my absolute best, I show up for myself, I’m the kind of person who does what it takes, I can do anything I set my mind to, etc.

It’s not something that happens automatically. It’s an active process. 

We ALL have negative thoughts, but it’s a choice to listen to them. 

So if you’re ready to replace those purple pandas with green giraffes … so that you can live the life you DESERVE… 

Our personalized coaching helps guide women through the menopausal transition so they can confidently enter this new phase of life.  

I’ve set aside time for 5 FREE goal-mapping sessions. They’ll probably go quickly, so if you want one, book your call asap:

Thursday, August 18, 2022

10 ways to Find Time for Your Health

Do you know one of the TOP reasons people have for NOT being able to commit to a regular wellness routine? 

It’s because they say they “don’t have enough time.”

So in this email, I’m going to break down some ways you can find that time!

This quotation pretty much sums up why this matters:

If you don’t make time for your wellness, eventually you will have to make time for your illness. ~~Unknown

Even committing to JUST 5 MINUTES can help transform your routine. Over time, after that 5 minutes takes root, it can grow to 30 minutes that you enjoy and look forward to.

10 Ways to Find Time for Your Health

  1. Get up first thing in the morning and go for a walk, meditate, or do breathing exercises.

  2. Take a walk or read a self-development book at lunchtime.

  3. Stretch out while watching TV at night.

  4. Turn household chores into a cardio session by turning up the music and moving fast enough to get your heart rate up.

  5. Turn your date nights into “fun” nights – go skating, hit the batting cage, go for a bike ride, or be active! (The same goes for family activity days.)

  6. Have a plan for your nutrition and healthy habits. When you have a plan in place, following it is a no-brainer!

  7. Make an appointment with your calendar every week and block time for your health into your schedule (workouts, meal planning, meditation/yoga, shopping, & prep, etc.).

  8. Find things you love – whether it’s food choices or exercise choices. You’ll start looking forward to it.

  9. Get support and accountability either in-person or online. Sometimes all you need is a cheerleader.

  10. Wear a fitness and/or sleep tracker and set daily goals. Don’t go to bed until you meet your movement goals … and monitor your sleep to see how what affects it. 

Another way to make time for your health and wellness:

Hire an experienced coach who can create a plan that works with your lifestyle, helps keep you motivated, and provides accountability and support every step of the way!

If you’re struggling to find time for YOUR wellness/fitness, sneak away for just 5 minutes and take action (stretch, walk, meditate … just do ONE THING). You will feel accomplished afterward!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

This always gets me fired up ...

Want to know the #1 roadblock that’s stopping people from reaching their goals? 

This is based on my years of experience, but there’s plenty of science to back it up.

The #1 thing – not mindset-related – that stops people from reaching their health & wellness goals is … drumroll …

Eating ultra-processed – aka “JUNK” – foods! 

By that I mean:

  • frozen or prepared meals, instant noodles, and soups

  • baked goods, (pizza, cake, cookies, packaged bread, etc.)

  • processed cheese products, ice cream, candy

    • breakfast cereals

    • chips, crackers, and other packaged snacks

    • processed meats (sausages, fish fingers, chicken nuggets, processed ham)

    • sodas & other sugary drinks

    If you want to live a high-energy and healthy life – these foods are NOT your friends.

    Not only do they contain less fiber, vitamins, and minerals than whole (unprocessed) foods … 

    But they also contain unhealthy added sugars, fats, and salt.

    They are engineered to make you want to eat MORE than you would if you were eating whole foods. 

    Because of all of the chemicals they use to make you CRAVE ultra-processed foods, it’s tough to break out of the cycle.

    Not good. 

    But that’s just the start of it.

    • One study of more than 100,000 adults found that eating 10% more processed foods was linked with a 10+% increase in heart disease and stroke.

    • Another study of 20,000 adults found that eating more than 4 servings of these foods a day was directly linked with an increased risk of all-cause mortality. For each extra serving, that risk increased by 18%.

    • Plus, they are linked with gaining weight, which is linked with diabetes, heart disease, and a whole bunch of other ailments and diseases.

    Your amazing body deserves nourishing food. Not junk.

    It can take some time and patience to retrain your tastebuds, but it’s definitely worth it.

    If you are looking to take the next step to boost your health & wellness, we’re here to help. Our personalized coaching has helped hundreds of people

    just like you live a healthier, more vibrant life. You can learn more here.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Should you do a detox?

Controversial topic ahead!

A lot of people LOVE the idea of “doing” a detox. 

Since this month we’re focusing on getting rid of things that are blocking your results, I thought it was important to talk about them.

But, what if instead of talking about detoxing the body … we talk about detoxing what we put in, on, and around our bodies?

(NOTE: This is also known as living a healthy lifestyle!)

The fact is, your body already has an AMAZING built-in system to get rid of waste and toxins. It includes your liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and large intestine. 

But unfortunately, our modern lifestyles and habits tend to make it harder for our organs to do their jobs.

The good news is that you can help turn that around by cutting back on the overload your “detox” system has to deal with.

Bonus: This approach helps YOU reach your goals faster, and feel better, too.

7 Ways to Boost your Body’s Detox System:

  1. Limit alcohol. Too much alcohol can make it harder for your liver to do its normal jobs – one of which is helping your body get rid of toxins. (Experts recommend limiting alcohol to 1 drink a day for women and 2 for men.)

  2. Get enough sleep. During the day, waste builds up in your brain. Then, at night when you’re sleeping, it’s swept away. Not enough sleep = waste buildup.

  3. Drink enough water. Water performs lots of functions in your body, including helping your body’s detox system remove waste products from your blood.

  4. Avoid sugary & processed foods. Eating high-calorie foods low in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is linked to chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes. This can hurt your organs (like kidneys & liver) that help your body’s detox system.

  5. Don’t eat too much salt. Among other things, it can lead to your body retaining water (related to #3 above).

  6. Be active. Exercise and regular activity lowers inflammation in your body and helps boost your body’s ability to detox.

  7. Choose your self-care and home cleaning products carefully. Using natural products on your body and in your home can drastically cut your exposure to chemicals.

When you support your body with a healthy lifestyle that works with your schedule and your goals, you don’t need a quick fix!

We can help you make that a reality. Our personalized coaching is designed to help people just like you have more energy and naturally detox without increased stress or deprivation.

Have questions? Drop a comment below.