Monday, November 8, 2021

7 Tips You Can Use to Fit Movement into Your Busy Lifestyle

You had the best of intentions with your exercise, but when life gets hectic, it can feel like you have zero time. And because it’s something you do for yourself, it’s easy to shove it on the back burner. However, if you want to keep your health in tip-top shape, you’ll need to fit more movement into your day-to-day.

How is it possible when your lifestyle is too busy? The key is to keep moving in any way possible. These seven tips will show you how, even when you feel like you haven’t a minute to spare. 

1. Make it part of your commute 

City dwellers have a unique opportunity to use commute time as a form of movement. Country dwellers may need to be a bit more creative. If you can walk, run, or bike to work safely, do it. You can then check your workout box off for the day! 


2. Get more out of mundane errands 

Another way to move more is to use that time running errands as part of your exercise time. While this is certainly easier in the city, in a suburban sprawl, you can start parking your car further from the entrance. This forces you to take more steps which all contribute to your overall fitness. 


3. Put it on schedule 

Use your daily planner to help you make time for your workouts. Just like you’d schedule a meeting with your team or a client, put your workout in there and go for it. I have had clients put their workouts on their Google calendars as "meetings" so their time is blocked and no one can bother them.


4. Involve the kids 

For parents, it may feel like you never have a moment to yourself. When little kids are busy hanging all over you, load the smallest into a stroller and head to the park. Everyone will love the fresh air and you’ll get your workout in a fun way. For bigger kids in those endless activities, find ways to keep active at practice and games. You can run around the field or move your own way while they’re otherwise occupied with the coach or instructor.  


5. Set your alarm a little earlier 

You can’t make the days longer, but you can get up earlier to use more of those 24 hours in your day. Get up before your children to get a workout in first thing. Without kids, you have more leeway, but getting up earlier will ensure you make time for that workout. And with it out of the way, you’ll have more energy to propel you through your day.  


6. Rethink your workouts 

You’re less likely to make time for workouts if you don’t like the exercises you’re doing. We make time for what we enjoy, so be sure you do workouts that you like! You can still get healthy by doing bodyweight exercises and using the great outdoors as your gym. And, if you’d prefer the gym, find one close to home or work so that you are more likely to fit it into your schedule. 


7. Take the stairs or the long way 

Whenever possible, use the stairs rather than the elevator. At the office, don’t take shortcuts to get around. The more steps you take, the more activity you get which builds up to more movement.  


With these seven tips, don’t forget to tune your mindset in so you focus on movement. When you think about it as a chore, it will feel like one, but when you shift your way of thinking to see it as something you enjoy, you’ll be more inclined to take the time for it that you deeply deserve and stick with it. 

Which tip speaks the most to you? Or, is there another tip you have for getting more movement in your day? Let me know in the comments below!

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