Friday, July 27, 2012

Is nuclear energy worth the risk?

As the world’s population increases, so does the demand for efficient, affordable sources of energy.   For as long as one can remember, man has harnessed the power of the sun, wind, and water for sustainable sources of energy.  These sources of energy are clean, meaning they emit no harmful emissions, and they are renewable, meaning man cannot deplete them.
As more and more people depend on electricity for lighting and heating their homes, cooking their food, recycling their plastics and glass, and even powering their vehicles, any one of these sources may not be able to keep up with demand.  Electric demands tend to have a consistent base load with spikes during certain months and certain times of day; solar and wind energy require a electricity-producing back up due to their intermittent nature (World Nuclear Association, 2011).
Hydroelectric power now supplies approximately 16% of the world’s electricity (World Nuclear Association, 2011).  Wind energy and hydroelectric power work well together as the water supplies energy when the wind is not blowing hard enough to do so (World Nuclear Association, 2011).  However, hydroelectric plants require bodies of water to operate.  A city or town in the middle of a plain or a desert would need a battery back up with either wind or solar power providing the bulk of their energy.  This requires two infrastructures in place if the goal is to use renewable sources of energy.
There is an increased interest in new nuclear plants as energy sources.  This interest stems from the increase in electricity demand as electricity demands are expected to increase by 21% by 2030 (NEI, 2010).  Also, talk of “going green” and protecting the environment is inundating our television, radio, grocery stores, and politics.  Consumers are attracted to how nuclear plants burn “clean” and do not pollute the air, have excellent performance, and provide price stability (NEI, 2010).  In September of 2008, 74% of the people surveyed on nuclear energy were in support of nuclear energy (NEI, 2010).  MIT supported these claims in a study in 2009 that showed that nuclear power does not emit carbon dioxide or other atmospheric pollutants, was renewable, and was efficient (MIT, 2009).
Approximately 20% of the electricity in the United States comes from nuclear power.  The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is an example of nuclear energy at use.  The TVA makes enough electricity from three plants to power three million homes in the Tennessee Valley (TVA, 2010).  The TVA also has regular emergency tests and a prompt notification system to provide information to the public in case of emergency (TVA, 2010).
Power plants use heat to generate steam to create electricity.  Nuclear power plants create this heat through fission, or the splitting of atoms (U.SNRC, 2011).  There are two types of nuclear reactors in the United States.  The first is the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR).  This type of reactor keeps water under pressure; water is heated, but not boiled.  The water in the steam generator and the water in the reactor vessel do not mix (U.S.NRC, 2011).  The second is the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR).  In this system, the heated water boils to turn into steam.  Both the BWR and PWR turn the steam back into water to reuse it (US.NRCC, 2011).
Safety features are built into plants.  The fission process can be stopped to allow a quick shut down.  Reactors can be cooled by releasing steam or by using cold water.  Barriers are in place to protect the environment and workers from radioactivity.  Finally drills are practiced on a regular basis so staff will be ready in the case of a real emergency (U.S.NRC, 2011).
In the 1960’s and 1970’s, nuclear plants were issued a building permit based on design only.  However, starting in 1989, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission changed that by focusing more on safety and allowing the public to be more involved (NEI, 2010).  The three-step licensing process now involves design certification, where the public has access to review and comment on the proposed site and design.  Early site approval can happen at any point with the proposed site being held for years until the design is approved and the construction begins.  Early site approval includes a site safety analysis, an environmental report, and emergency planning information.  Finally, the combined construction and operating license can be approved.  This step encompasses any resolutions of issues that arose in the first steps (NEI, 2010).
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will license a nuclear power plant for forty years.  After the forty year time period, the license is either reissued or the plant is shut down and decommissioned (USNRC, 2011).  When decommissioning a nuclear plant, workers reduce the level of radiation until the land is safe to be used for other things.  Plants have up to 60 years to complete closing.  There are three methods of decommissioning:  1) dismantling, 2) safe storage of waste, and 3) entombment (USNRC, 2011).
When the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, politicians, and owners look for building sites for a new nuclear plant, they look at three things.  First, the state must not have a law that bans nuclear plants.  Currently, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Montana, West Virginia, and Wisconsin all ban nuclear plants (DePillis, 2009).  Second, they look at the topography of the proposed site.  The site needs to be near water, needs at least 500 acres of space, and needs to be near a growing population that will have energy demands (DePillis, 2009).  Third, they look at the local community and whether or not they are accepting of a nuclear plant (DePillis, 2009).  It makes things easier if there is little or no need to persuade the populace of the need for a nuclear plant.
There are, however, a few cons to nuclear power.  For one, nuclear plants cost more to build than regular plants due to the licensing regulations listed above.  Also, due to past and recent headlines, there is a perceived adverse safety to health and environment.  There is also the question of potential security risks and long-term management of nuclear waste (MIT, 2009).  The populace surrounding a proposed site for a nuclear plant will need the cons addressed.
Nuclear plants generate two types of waste.  The first is high-level waste.  This is spent fuel (fuel used in the nuclear reactor) and is highly radioactive and very dangerous.  This type of waste must be cooled for several years either in deep pools inside the plant or off-site (USNRC, 2011).  The second is low-level waste.  This comes from nuclear reactors, hospitals, or universities.  Since it is not as dangerous as high-level waste, it is traditionally shipped to a low-level waste disposal facility set up by each state (USNRC, 2011).
It 1987, Yucca Mountain, NV was a proposed site for disposal of high-level waste.  The heated debates and high emotions of the time reached all the way to Arizona.  The government suggested the waste be stored for no more than 100 years since there was no local support for permanent storage; the opposing force argued it would be dangerous and costly to truck nuclear waste hundreds of miles to Yucca and hundreds of miles back to their plants for processing when technology was able to process the waste (Whaley, 2009).  The site was originally approved; however, it is not currently being federally funded.
One of the largest hurdles builders of nuclear plants need to overcome is the opinion of the local population.  There have been three widely publicized nuclear meltdowns in recent years.  The negative press and probable cancers caused by the radiation leaks causes the general public to pause before accepting a nuclear plant near their home.  Even though nuclear plants undergo stringent safety inspections and have had few accidents that have been proven to cause damage to the environment and cancers to humans, those few cases stick out in human memory.
The latest was the melt down caused by a March 2011 tsunami at the Fukushima Duiichi Nuclear Plant in Japan.  The news was filled with information on contaminated land, water, and fish supplies.  There has been no substantiated reports of cancer by nuclear run off; however, there has not been enough time to gather the necessary data.
The only major accident in the United States happened in March of 1979 at Three-Mile Island near Harrisburg, PA.  There are two plants at Three Mile Island, TMI-1 and TMI-2.  TMI-1 began construction in 1968 and began generating electricity in 1974 (Smithsonian, n.d.).  TMI-2 started construction in 1969 and began operating in 1978.  The reactor’s operators of TMI-2 falsified operational data in order to avoid interruptions of the reactor’s operation from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Smithsonian, n.d.).  In the  beginning, the controllers underestimated the damage, and two days later, the Nuclear Regulator Commission over-estimated the danger.  Unsubstantiated reports then cause evacuations and calls for potassium iodide solution for anyone suffering from thyroid problems (Smithsonian, n.d.).  The extent of the damage came to light in 1983 during a computer-controlled ultrasonic survey (Smithsonian, n.d.).   There have been no substantiated illnesses linked to the accident.
Another well-known nuclear accident is Chernobyl.  A sudden surge in power at the Unit 4 reactor of Chernobyl, Ukraine on April 26, 1986, caused massive amounts of radioactive material to be released into the environment (USNRC, 2009).  No humans live in the area still.   The evacuated residents and workers are still being monitored for nuclear-caused cancers and illnesses.  There have been deaths and radiation illness linked to the accident in those who were on-site at the time; however, there have been no substantiated illnesses in those being monitored.
These three cases demonstrate how human error and lack of communication can cause accidents that may or may not cause illness and environmental damage.  Sensationalism in the press can cause strong emotion in the populace before all the facts can be gathered.   These cases also bring forth questions the public would need answered before a nuclear plant can be built near their homes.  The new regulations from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission allow for more communication between nuclear committees and the general public.  This allows for the public to know exactly what safety measures are in place and how potentially dangerous meltdowns will be prevented.  It also will allow for the public to know exactly how nuclear energy can be beneficial to their community.  Nuclear energy tends to be consistent and stable, as stated in the MIT study, and it is renewable.  If the regulators have a good plan for the storage of nuclear waste and strong safeguards in place, there would be less apprehension about a plant being built 25 miles or 12.5 miles from where people live.

DePillis, Lydia (2009) A Nuclear Power Plant with A View.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from
MIT (2009)  The Future of Nuclear Power:  An Interdisciplinary MIT Study.  Retrieved January 15, 2012, from
NEI (2010)  Licensing New Nuclear Power Plants.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from
Smithsonian (n.d.)  Three Mile Island:  The Inside Story.  Retrieved on January 16, 2012, from
TVA (2010)  Nuclear Energy.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from
USNRC (2009)  Backgrounder on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from
USNRC (2011)  Students’ Corner.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from
Whaley, Sean (2009)  Reno Chamber Hears Pros, Cons of Yucca Mountain Project.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from
World Nuclear Association (2011)  Renewable Energy and Electricity.  Retrieved on January 15, 2012, from

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