Thursday, May 26, 2022

People really do need people (darn it)

Most of the time in my emails and blog posts I try not to talk about the crazy roller coaster ride we’ve been on over the past couple of years.

I mean, I’m more than ready to move onward and upward! Aren’t you?

But there’s a super important lesson we have all learned. 

It’s about how much we need COMMUNITY … CONNECTION … and SOCIAL SUPPORT. 

Having someone in your corner cheering you on – lifting you up when you're struggling. 

Or sharing those same exact struggles with you because they’re working toward the same thing. It really does make a difference. 

It helps me personally, and I know it has also helped my clients (past & present).

Setting that support up for yourself means you’re setting yourself up for success in pretty much everything you do.

It’s one thing we specialize in at Alignment Studio.

You’re never in it alone! 

When I was working in a gym, I felt like a proud parent when I think of all the friendships that I’ve seen blossom and grow between members in my classes and group coaching programs over the years. 

Now that I (and many of you!) are mostly online, working with a coach can give you a sounding board … a problem-solving partner … someone who can step back and offer some perspective on your goals and your progress.

If you’re ready to stop going at it along, we’re here to help you with a proven plan that’s designed to get you from A to Z in a way that works with your lifestyle, schedule, and goals!

And that, of course, supports you every step of the way.

Learn more about what we have to offer by setting up an initial consultation.

Also, I would love for you to join our private Facebook community! This is a great group where we have weekly challenges (fun ones, of course!), healthy recipes, workouts, and more -- it is a safe space to ask questions and find support. You can join by clicking here.

I’m here for you if you have any questions! Just leave a comment and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Your new favorite cookie recipe

Are you a fan of no-bake cookies? Soooo good!

But have you ever seen the original recipe? 

Talk about fat and sugar bombs … whoa!

Not anymore … I’ve got a healthified version for you that’s a lot less sugar, and – bonus – it’s loaded with fiber and antioxidants.

PLUS (most importantly) these cookies taste DELICIOUS!

NOTE: I use a little less honey when I make these, but my taste buds are used to less sugar. You can start with this amount and adjust the next time you make them (because there will be a next time!).

If you want a deep dark chocolatey cookie, use the full 4 Tbsp in this recipe (it’s rich). 

But if you want a milder taste, 3 Tbsp still delivers a chocolate punch!


Naturally Delicious No-Bake Cookies

(makes 18-20 cookies)

½ cup (165 grams) honey

¼ cup (56 grams) unrefined coconut oil (or grass-fed butter)

3-4 Tbsp cocoa powder

¼ tsp sea salt

½ cup (130 grams) natural peanut or almond butter

2 Tbsp chia seeds (optional)

¾ cup (60 grams) old-fashioned rolled oats

⅓ cup (50 grams) chopped pitted dates or prunes

In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the honey, coconut oil, cocoa, and sea salt. Stir until the coconut oil is melted and the mixture is fully combined, about 3 minutes.

Stir in the nut butter and chia seeds and cook until the nut butter is smooth and melted, another 3 minutes. Turn the heat off and stir in the oats and dates. Cover the saucepan and let stand for 5 minutes. 

Scoop out the “batter” by tablespoons onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so they can firm up before eating. 

These should be stored in the fridge as they taste best when they are cold.

I hope you enjoy them!

PS: If you love healthy recipes like this one, check out my instagram page. I regularly post meals and snacks you (and your family!) will love … and will also leave you feeling strong, fit, and lean.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Set your life up for success

A few years ago, whenever I got stressed, I used to do this thing that blows my mind now. 

I used to be in the “ignore it and push through it” club. By that I mean, I’d take the stress hit, but just keep going.

I’d tell myself: “I’ll deal with this later.” 

And I was super proud of myself – because you know what? I could take it. 

But even though I was able to handle the actual work or whatever it was that was causing the stress … I didn’t always manage the stress.

Well … guess what?

Eventually, one way or another, you end up having to deal with it. 

You can end up getting sick, having headaches, getting injured, or feeling burned out.

If you’re also in the “push through it” club … you may want to consider jumping over into the “self-care club” instead … because that’s where the real power is.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have a pass on your responsibilities. Oh, no no. It just means you’re listening to your body and managing your stress levels along the way. 

Here are 6 things you can do to help you not only stay on track… but do it in a more sustainable way:

  • Take a breath.
    When you’re stressed/crazy busy, taking just a few minutes for controlled, mindful breathing can help your body’s stress control system do its job.

  • Move your body.
    This is one of the best stress-relievers out there! Exercise works on a hormonal level to help you feel calmer, less stressed, and more relaxed.

  • Get a new perspective.
    Studies show that spending time in nature (just a few minutes) can help cut stress.

  • Upgrade your nutrition & hydration.
    Stress can make you crave high-calorie foods that contain a LOT of sugar and fat. This can make you feel tired, blah, and sluggish. Upgrade your choices to include nutrient-dense whole foods that help you feel better. If you have questions about this, please ask! Dr. Google has some weird myth-information out there!

  • Make time for recovery (aka sleep).
    When you sleep, your body is helping you recover from yesterday so you can be rejuvenated to tackle tomorrow. Make sure to go to bed early enough so you can get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night.

  • Build a support network.
    Having people around you (in-person or virtually) who hold you accountable is everything! (Our FB group can be a good place to start:

  • Feed your mind.
    Make sure you get a steady diet of positive input – whether it’s listening to inspiring podcasts and audiobooks, reading self-development books, or learning about fitness & wellness … it can keep you motivated and moving forward.

It’s the little things you do every day that will have the biggest impact on your energy, resilience, fitness, and health!