Monday, December 30, 2019

New Year Resolutions That Will Actually Stick

Are you ready for another year? The upcoming year is especially exciting because we're about to embark on a journey into a brand new decade! I'm sure you have your health and fitness goals already pegged and are ready to make a fresh start. But have you given any thought to resolutions for other areas of your life? 

Let's start this decade off the right way, by breaking out of our resolution rut and putting other things on our list that cover our sense of fun, pleasure, and work! 

- Take a bucket-list trip 
Stop saying "someday" about the trips you want to take. For 2020, pick a place off your bucket list and finally book the trip.  

- Conquer a fear 
Is there something that scares you? Maybe you fear heights, public speaking, or even spiders. Smash the spider, so to speak, and tackle that great fear. 

- Create a journal 
Whether you have vivid dreams you want to recall, big ideas you want to bring to life, or you want to record your thoughts, DO IT. Taking your pen to paper is one of the best ways to kick off the new decade, plus you'll have fascinating mementos. 

- Enact a weekly meet-up with loved ones 
Whether it's a family dinner night once a week with all the relatives or brunching with your friends, commit to a weekly gathering. It doesn't need to be extravagant. You could even plan a potluck picnic to make it a collaborative adventure. The important thing is to make time for each other rather than let another year fly by and say, "Wow, I haven't seen you since last New Year's Eve." 

- Try a new hobby out 
Have you always wanted to paint? Dance? Create your own garden? Go for it! Trying out new things makes us happier. Whatever it is that sparks your interest is worth pursuing. Pay attention to whatever has been pulling at your heartstrings lately. 

- Aim to read more 
The mind always needs to be kept sharp, and one of the best ways to do that is through reading. If you've been putting it off, try setting a goal to read a certain amount of books per month. Joining a book club can help with this; plus, you'll make some great new friends, too! 

- Explore new cuisine 
Do you make the same things for dinner every week? Vow to shake things up a bit by exploring how to make the cuisine of other cultures. Whether you've always wanted to make Chinese dumplings, Indian curry, or even sushi, make it your resolution to try out a new type of recipe every week.  

- Develop a new skill for work 
Learning skills shouldn't end at college or when you first start your career. Keep going and incorporate new ways to bolster your career. Being able to always evolve with the changes to your industry can translate to a larger paycheck!  

Combined with health and wellness resolutions, this list will have you looking forward to the good things coming your way in 2020! 

What are you most excited about in 2020?

Monday, August 5, 2019

Common Ingredient Replacements to Swap In for Your Healthy Meals

Have you been wanting to ditch the dairy and see what changes you notice? Or perhaps you want to try out a new recipe without setting off a food allergy, but you're allergic to one of the main ingredients in most recipes. It could even be that you're just one or two ingredients short of the recipe you want to try and don't have time to run to the store. For all these occasions and more, it's helpful to know a few common ingredient replacements to hack into your cooking skills. 

Whether your goal is to be healthier, to use what's already in your kitchen, or to avoid a food sensitivity issue, these ingredient swaps can help you be a master of ingredient disguises! 

Baking something? You can use coconut oil in a ratio of 1:1 in either soft or solid form to replace the need for butter. 

If milk is called for in whatever you're baking, you can swap it for any type of nut-milk. That means almond milk or any dairy-free milk in the same amount as called for in the recipe.  

Whipped Cream 
Want to top your fruit with fresh whipped cream but without the dairy? Use coconut cream instead. Just be sure that it's well chilled overnight and only use the solid parts for the whipping. It has such a fresh and light taste to it! 

Going Gluten-Free 
Instead of using regular flour, use a cup of gluten-free flour plus a half-teaspoon of xanthan gum. Read the labels though…some gluten-free flour varieties already have xanthan in them which means you won't need to add it.  

Whether someone has an egg allergy or they're vegan, you can still bake up tasty treats by replacing each egg in the recipe with 3 tablespoons of flaxseed meal combined with 6 tablespoons of purified water. Make sure you mix it into a paste first before combining it with your other ingredients. You can also substitute eggs with unsweetened applesauce, to make things easier.  

Fish Sauce 
Many Asian recipes call for the use of fish sauce. For those that have allergies or follow a vegan diet, you can swap it out with either soy sauce or tamari. Although you won't have that same umami flavor the fish sauce will bring, it will still be delicious, and you'll hardly notice the difference. 

Grated Parmesan 
If you need to add grated Parmesan to your recipe, choose nutritional yeast. Side note: it's fabulous on air-popped popcorn, too. 

Vinegar is one of those that can stump you in the kitchen since there are so many types, but the good news is that it's very versatile. So if you have a recipe that calls for white vinegar, but you only have apple cider vinegar, you can use what you have. The only vinegar you can't just randomly sub in or out of your recipes is balsamic vinegar because the flavor is truly unique. Thankfully, it's an ingredient that meshes well with all diets so you won't be doing anyone harm.  

With this quick list of common ingredients to swap, you'll be able to master any dish for any occasion or any dietary concern. Bon Appetit!  

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Lowdown On If You Really Should Eat Organic

You likely are no stranger to the benefits of organic foods over conventionally grown foods -- organic foods aren't allowed to be cultivated with nasty pesticides, synthetic growth hormones, and GMOs. But, perhaps the price tags of organic items make you wonder if it's possible to fill your cart with only organic items. 

There are many benefits of eating more organic food, like lowering your exposure to hormone-disrupting toxins. The costs of healthcare are more astronomical now than ever, so it makes great sense to take better care of yourself through nourishing foods that don't have harmful agents in them. 

Going organic can have a bit of a higher price tag, but it is worth it in the long run. If going all organic isn't an option, you can still take small steps to get safer food on your table.   

Here are a few tips to help you on your next grocery run:  

Always give your kids organic 
Because kids are still in a crucial period of growing, if you have to make sacrifices in your budget for organics, then you could just buy organic for your children to start with. Those pesticides and growth hormones can affect their growing bodies. You can start by picking up long-lasting produce that won't go bad quickly, so you aren't throwing money down the drain. 

Go organic on meat and dairy items 
Conventionally-raised livestock is given synthetic growth hormones, and they're fed grains that contain GMOs. If that's not upsetting enough, these animals are often kept in inhumane conditions that you'd be appalled to see.  If you do choose to eat meat, choose organic meats from farms that have an excellent reputation.   

Even fruits and vegetables 
Want to know something really alarming? Even fruits that have peels that you don't eat can absorb the pesticides they're sprayed with. So when you thought it was fine to choose a banana that wasn't organic, think again. It's even more critical when it comes to fruits and vegetables where you do eat the skin. Check out the EWG's yearly Clean 15 / Dirty Dozen list to see what items you should definitely be purchasing organic, and which items have the lowest amount of pesticides where you can skip the organic label.  

Avoid GMOs at all costs 
GMO's cause a host of problems and should be avoided. Just a few years ago, GMO's weren't as widely understood as they are today. Because of this awakening, it's quite simple to find GMO-free products, primarily because they're clearly labeled. So lucky for you, it's not difficult to make sure you are getting GMO-free items before you head to the check-out aisle!  

Switch your coffee 
Love coffee? Make the switch to organic. Regular coffee is chemically-treated, and since it penetrates into the beans, you're brewing up a pesticide-laden beverage for yourself that can take a toll on your health over time.  Since coffee is typically consumed daily by coffee drinkers, it's worth the extra money to invest in organic coffee. 

So yes, going organic everywhere is really best for your benefit, but especially important for your kids. And if money is a factor, consider shopping for produce at your local farmer's market where you can be sure you're getting organically-grown produce which has the added benefit of being local, too. You can also join a co-op where everyone pitches in for fresh organic produce from local farms. There are options for your better health organically that don't have to cost a fortune, so check them out and find what works best for you and your family.