Thursday, October 25, 2018

These Popular Foods Cause Inflammation


You've likely heard a lot about inflammation, but do you understand what kinds of foods cause it, and what effects it has on the body? 

Inflammation is your body's response to invaders, and it shows that your body's white blood cells are working hard to fight for you.  For example, when it comes to arthritis, your immune system is trying to fight off invaders that don’t really exist. As a result, your body starts to attack itself, and the inflammation ensues.  

Inflammation can be caused by a variety of factors, such as an insect bite or an autoimmune disorder. However, it can also be caused by the foods that you eat, and eating these foods regularly can have some poor outcomes in your body.  

So, what are these effects?  

Foods can be a trigger for inflammation, which is the worst kind, as it often has to deal with your blood vessels. When blood vessels become inflamed continuously, this can cause damage to the vessels, which is then used by the fats in your bloodstream as a means to accumulate.    

This fat, otherwise known as LDL Cholesterol, simply grows more and more over time, and as years pass by, can cause a blockage in your arteries. This is something we absolutely want to avoid.  So, knowing that food-caused inflammation is something we should seek to avoid -- what foods cause it, and which can help combat it? 

Deep down, I am sure we all kind of know which foods cause inflammation. For instance, foods such as French Fries, Soda, Red Meat, Processed Meat, Junk Foods, Refined Carbohydrates, etc. These are foods that are overly processed, and we are keenly aware that we should keep off of our plates anyway.   

The same can be said for foods that fight inflammation. Load up on these healthy foods that help you combat inflammation and keep your body running smoothly:  

These include: 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Leafy Greens 
  • Nuts 
  • Seeds 
  • Fish 
  • Fruit 

Do you see a trend, yet? Healthy, plant-based whole foods will help to reduce and even combat inflammation. Meanwhile, overly processed, high-fat junk foods will cause your inflammation to flare up. 

So, to help reduce the symptoms and lower your risk for health issues, you are going to want to eat a lot more whole plant-based foods.  

What causes inflammation for you? Is there something you eat that you noticeably feel bloated, achy, and generally unwell after?   

For me, inflammation comes on after I eat wheat or foods with a lot of processed sugar (i.e., brownies).

Head on over to our Facebook page and let me know what foods cause you inflammation! 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Gratitude Impacts Your Life More Than You Know!


When we think about our health, we think in terms of what we're eating, what we're drinking, how much we're exercising -- but we rarely think about our health being related to what we think about.   

If this is not something you consider regularly, start really digging deep into the idea that your thoughts, your attitude, and your mental tone have an incredible amount of power over your health. 

The best place to start is with gratitude.  We all have something to be grateful for, so it's the perfect place to begin.  Here’s why gratitude is so essential to your health... 

1. It boosts feelings of satisfaction 
Show your gratitude by putting it in writing. Get out your thank you cards and start writing. Write them to your kids’ teachers. Write one to your parents, to your spouse, your best friend. Writing letters of gratitude will ensure you feel good inside and out, and you'll be spreading those good feelings to those you're writing to.  

2. It builds relationships 
Find ways to weave in expressing gratitude for those things people do for you that you appreciate. Even if it's just your kids putting the dishes in the dishwasher for you -- express your gratitude. It will motivate them to keep doing more, and it will reduce your stress by seeing the good in things. 

3. It helps your mental wellness 
Taking a moment to be thankful for the things you have despite the challenges is good for your mental health and well-being. Sometimes it can be hard to see the good things in life, so keep a journal if necessary and write things down. When you feel low, you can flip through it and find something to smile about. As an added bonus, it boosts more than your mood; gratitude increases energy levels, too.  

4. You’ll sleep better 
When you find things to be grateful for instead of focusing on the negativity, it allows your mind to relax. This, in turn, leads to better sleep. Try writing a gratitude list before you go to bed to use this power to your advantage so you can fall asleep faster.  

5. It can help you with your exercise, too 
With recognition for things that you’re grateful for, you feel happier. Feeling happier gives you more energy; hence, it will keep you feeling good about your workouts.  Sometimes, the only thing we need is the motivation to START the workout, and a positive attitude helps get you there. 

Don't mistake this for feeling like you have to be positive 24/7.  Other emotions are real, necessary, and deserve to be honored. By all means, feel your feelings and healthily work through them -- but choosing to practice gratitude daily will positively shift things.  

Let's start practicing now! 

Hit reply and let me know one thing you're grateful for today. It can be as big or as small as you want -- nothing is off limits. 

I can't wait to hear from you!